Best tips to keep that "post-treatment good feeling" longer.
Most importantly, drink plenty of water and try to avoid alcohol and caffeine. After your treatment, you will receive a complimentary bottle of water, just to make sure you can start to rehydrate straight away.
You may feel tired, and ideally, you should try to take it easy for the rest of the day.
Some delayed-onset muscle soreness is perfectly normal. It is your body reacting to the new experience. Doing some extra stretches or mobilisation work will not do any harm. Now, you are more aware of your sore/tight areas anyway.
Don't forget to schedule your next appointment.

Try to wait a few hours before taking a hot shower or bath because the negative pressure in the cup can cause changes in your tissue and skin, making it more sensitive.
Everyone's skin reacts differently to cupping, and it's a powerful treatment. Sometimes, you'll have marks that look like an octopus attack. Wear your cupping marks with pride; they show that you care about your body and health.
Just like with cupping, some bruising may occur if you tend to bruise easily, but they shouldn't stay too long.
With any type of taping, if you feel like there is an allergic reaction ( which is fairly unlikely but can happen) please remove it immediately.​
After a few days, when it start to pill anyway,the best way to remove the tape is to have a shower and just slowly roll it from one corner. Don't try to "band-aid it" unless that's your thing.​​​
It affects each person differently. If you are more sensitive to it, you may experience some bruising in the area, or it can feel like the needles are still in the muscle. Just take it easy for the day and try to avoid strenuous physical activity.